The game that promotes solidarity to fight against world hunger
Imagine a game that provides meals for malnourished children. That game is Tawö! Help us fight world hunger while having fun

Fight against world hunger
By joining the WFP program, we are making a commitment to fighting
against world hunger.

A warm thank you to our generous donors.
meals offered

Tawö, the clicker game that saves lives
Tawö is a human adventure, a slightly crazy project, and a desire to share. Tawö is the passion of one man and his desire to fight world hunger through a character who has a taste for adventure and sharing.
A mobile game
Donate 500,000 meals
A family’s story
Tawö in numbers
0 years
of work
meals already funded
players have already paid for at least 1 meal !

Latest news
15,021 meals have already been donated thanks to this game!
First objective reached! We are delighted to announce that 15,021 meals have already been funded with Tawö ! Now, onward to 500,000 meals!
What people are saying about us

The Ekitawo solidarity race collected 5,000 meals!

Tawo was present at the Geek festival Bordeaux!
The Tawo fundraiser!

" Tawö has been brightening up my downtime for the past week. My daughter loved the bright colors. She always asks me where Tawö is and if he’s coming soon.”
BaptouFragile, appstore
Together, we can go further
Above all, Tawö is a team effort
More than 200 people have already taken part in the Tawö project by giving their time or participating in our KissKissBank campaign.
Tawö is on M6
Watch a report on Tawö on M6!

Excerpts from the Mag
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