Here is Tawö, a French video game who fight against hunger in the world!

Here is Tawö, a French video game who fight against hunger in the world!

A Frenchman is at the origin of Tawö, a solidarity game whose mission is to offer meals to the most destitute children. The financing of this food will be done through a participative financing campaign, the sponsoring of ethical brands and the use of the game by the general public. Moreover, this initiative is part of a United Nations objective to eradicate hunger in the world.

A solidarity game to feed poor children
In July 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a not very optimistic statement. The organization cited one of its annual studies, whose results are rather discouraging. In 2019, 690 million people suffered from hunger, an increase of 10 million from 2018, and nearly 60 million in five years. For the WHO, the success of the Zero Hunger goal by 2030 is compromised. However, it is precisely within the framework of this initiative that the Frenchman Florent Albero and his son Toni want to launch their mobile game Tawö.

The goal? To offer a maximum of meals to the most underprivileged children thanks to integrated purchases and partnerships linked to the game. For the moment, Tawö is in a test phase, but the final version should be released this year. Users will be able to answer educational questions about the environment, geography and other subjects in a fun way.

10,000 meals just after the operation
Florent Albero has launched a participatory financing operation on the KissKissBankBank platform. At the time of writing, the initial goal of 22,000 euros has been reached by 74%, while there are still about 20 days left before the end of the operation. The interested party said that he has already invested no less than 100 000 euros since the launch of the project, notably with the help of the New Aquitaine region.

According to Florent Albero, it will be possible to feed the children in two ways. If the goal is reached, no less than 10,000 meals will be provided in a short time. These meals will be delivered to the World Food Program (WFP) through a partner NGO. Then, money will be collected continuously thanks to users playing the educational version of Tawö, but also thanks to the sponsoring of ethical brands.

The project manager explained that his son Toni gave him the idea to launch this solidarity game. When they were living in Panama, Toni once saw a barefoot child in the poor neighborhood of Calidonia in Panama City. He asked his father why the boy was not wearing shoes. This is how the initiative was born!

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